Our Story

A Family Owned Brand

Hi! I'm Rita, the creator of Butterwhip Bath + Body. I am originally from California, a mom of three, and an artist of many mediums.  I was a stage actress, dancer, singer, painter, photographer, and even dabbled in ceramics.
Several years ago I learned how to create soap and have now fallen in love with the art of creating self care products!
As a busy "mom on the go" I was juggling many daily duties that left me drained, and too tired to care for my own basic needs. I looked in the mirror one day and was so unhappy with what I saw. My eczema had gotten out of control, my pores were clogged and my skin was dry and bumpy. The wear and tear of my neglect had caught up with me. I knew it was long overdue to take action and MAKE time for myself.
Searching for skin care products proved to be a challenge. Products were either too expensive, full of skeptical ingredients, or were not effective on my skin.
So I began learning about natural ingredients like shea butter, jojoba oil, hibiscus, turmeric, and essential oils. I then learned how to create cold processed soaps with these ingredients and immediately saw changes in my skin. The soap would leave my skin so hydrated after showering and I wasn't turning into ash like I normally would with store-bought soaps. As a ripple effect, I began expanding my formulations to body butters, lotions, body scrubs, and even face care. With the help of my formulations my skin made strides in recovering. My products are quick, smell amazing,  and so effective I don’t miss a day of self care. It is the ritual I look forward to everyday that ensures I am my best self for my family and my business.
Today I am able to offer higher quality products at low costs to my customers and continue to grow my skin care line of products. My formulas have become more effective, and my ability to deliver my products, has become more efficient!  I'm so proud to introduce Butterwhip Bath + Body to the U.S., and now Canada, and hopefully one day, to the world! Welcome to our journey of self love 💖